- /RandD/Association/

[To Parent Directory]

1/30/2021 5:04 PM 18363 2021 June B Lee Nomination Form-Spotlight Awards.docx
10/19/2017 9:35 PM 560654 A Guide to the Four C's - NEA.pdf
1/7/2010 5:22 PM 63639 A Time of Peril for Public Ed - Ravitch.pdf
4/23/2021 6:47 PM 444530 ARP One-Page Summary.pdf
4/23/2024 9:07 AM <dir> Bargaining
3/13/2011 8:41 PM 33558 Burden of Pensions on States.pdf
5/7/2018 3:45 PM 931557 Can Weak Unions Get Teachers More Money - NYT.pdf
12/4/2019 1:03 AM 3589188 Collaborating for Student Success.pdf
6/5/2020 3:17 PM 361970 Collaborating in a Crisis - Safe Reopening of Schools.pdf
12/10/2010 12:23 PM 101634 Commission on Effective Teaching.docx
6/27/2015 10:20 AM 27146 Comparison of Whole School Reform Models.docx
12/2/2008 9:01 PM 105984 Compensation System Report.doc
11/18/2011 7:40 AM 396019 Cost of Corp Tax Avoidance - NEA.pdf
2/1/2016 2:07 PM 490657 Cost of Excessive Testing Campaign Toolkit.pdf
1/23/2020 5:12 PM 3329732 Culture of CollaborationGuidebook - CEC.pdf
4/30/2013 2:03 PM 146430 Digital Learning PS - Draft.pdf
5/15/2011 8:25 AM 253995 Draft NEA Teacher Eval Policy Statement.pdf
3/14/2014 11:22 AM 55296 DRE3A2M School Summaryl.doc
3/14/2014 11:22 AM 54784 DRE3A2M School Support Statements.doc
10/10/2009 9:48 AM 146599 DVR House Ed Testimony.pdf
5/13/2008 8:47 AM 173056 Ensuring Every Child a Quality Teacher.doc
5/13/2008 8:48 AM 84480 ESEA Language & Questions.doc
5/27/2018 9:25 AM 145043 ESSA Assessment Analysis - NEA.pdf
2/11/2020 5:58 PM 4731429 Everytown School Safety Plan.pdf
4/27/2012 11:07 AM 5465861 Expanding Learning Opportunities - NEA Foundation.pdf
10/7/2009 3:33 PM 47104 Finland - Eskelsen.doc
12/29/2015 1:40 PM 306834 Friedrichs Overview.pdf
3/16/2020 10:40 PM 633998 House Coronavirus Bill Summary - NEA.pdf
6/7/2024 7:52 AM 3206535 ISEA Teacher Retention Report.pdf
6/30/2016 7:10 AM 48238 JCPS Extra Service Rates 2015-16.pdf
6/30/2016 7:11 AM 1220995 JCPS Extra Service Schedule 2015-16.pdf
6/30/2016 7:54 AM 82680 JCPS Salary Schedule 2013-14.pdf
6/30/2016 7:29 AM 113070 JCPS Salary Schedule 2015-16.pdf
9/3/2019 4:41 PM 458185 JCTA - Membership Form.pdf
9/16/2019 2:47 PM 26551 JCTA Conference Advance Contract.docx
6/10/2015 3:55 PM 43979 JCTA Membership Form 2015.docx
6/10/2015 3:56 PM 251199 JCTA Membership Form 2015.pdf
7/14/2011 11:19 AM 78900 JCTA Parlimentary Procedures Chart.pdf
5/19/2023 9:53 AM 85003 JCTA Staff Tip Sheet 2023.pdf
12/9/2013 9:17 PM 289519 JCTA Voucher 2014.xlsx
5/5/2015 7:52 PM 48883 JCTA Voucher 2015.xlsx
8/24/2021 10:41 AM 141653 JCTA Voucher 2017.pdf
3/4/2020 12:19 PM 159176 JCTA Voucher 2017.xlsx
12/3/2013 3:56 PM 289512 JCTA Voucher.xlsx
6/10/2015 5:06 AM 448306 JCTA Why Be A Member Brochure.pdf
9/8/2014 5:19 PM 233191 JCTA-R Constitution 2014.pdf
5/19/2020 9:38 AM 96324 JCTA-UD-Staff-Regions-2019-12-10.pdf
3/17/2015 6:47 PM 39424 KEA Expense Voucher.xls
1/10/2015 10:25 AM 372892 KEA Legislative Program 2014.pdf
2/5/2016 9:35 PM 379717 KEA Legislative Program 2015.pdf
9/13/2009 9:42 PM 28159 KEA RTTT Comments.docx
4/9/2021 7:24 PM 116861 Labor Union Definition.pdf
10/23/2015 4:45 PM 550695 Louisville Educators and School Board Work Together to Reduce Testing - NEA Today.pdf
10/1/2020 1:18 PM 341388 Malden Safe Return MoA.pdf
1/25/2016 9:33 AM 2399239 Meetings - Dilbert.pdf
4/3/2012 11:33 AM 129590 NCUEA Constitution and Bylaws 2008.pdf
9/8/2014 5:27 PM 498314 NCUEA Discovery Grant Application.pdf
9/22/2009 7:47 PM 28160 NCUEA ESEA Postion Statement.doc
5/13/2008 8:48 AM 53837 NCUEA Membership Form.pdf
4/30/2015 5:31 PM 983441 NCUEA Pamphlet.pdf
6/26/2015 9:52 AM 5191436 NEA Accountability Task Force Report.pdf
11/27/2016 9:25 AM 2390763 NEA Board Pictorial Directory 2016.pdf
3/14/2012 10:53 PM 352120 NEA BOD Handbook 2011.pdf
9/25/2016 9:24 AM 411067 NEA Committee Appointments 2016.pdf
9/25/2016 9:24 AM 24114 NEA Committee Chairs 2016.docx
7/24/2016 7:59 AM 196698 NEA Conferences 2016-17.pdf
7/26/2012 11:48 AM 234130 NEA Duncan Letter.pdf
9/22/2009 7:40 PM 24064 NEA ESEA Intro.doc
5/13/2008 8:49 AM 52736 NEA ESEA Positve Agenda.doc
12/1/2012 2:12 AM 268498 NEA Governance History 2012.pdf
3/31/2017 5:24 PM 426256 NEA Governance Meetings 2015-22.pdf
7/24/2016 8:06 AM 60235 NEA Governance Meetings 2016-17.pdf
7/10/2008 11:30 AM 525299 NEA GPS 2020.pdf
11/10/2011 3:45 PM 992698 NEA Legislative Program 2011-2012.pdf
7/16/2015 9:25 AM 293091 NEA Opportunity Dashboard.pdf
10/13/2012 8:33 PM 997429 NEA Org Chart 2012.pdf
6/12/2018 6:07 PM 80652 NEA Policy Statement on Charter Schools - 2018.pdf
7/27/2011 3:00 PM 127278 NEA Policy Statement on Teacher Evaluation and Accountability.pdf
7/8/2021 6:47 AM 705810 NEA President - Say ‘No to Censorship, and Yes to Teaching the Truth’.pdf
12/7/2011 12:15 PM 32664003 NEA Priority Schools Campaign Forum.pdf
10/16/2012 7:02 AM 751780 NEA PSP - Dimensions of Growth 2012.pdf
7/7/2014 11:52 PM 920715 NEA PSP - Pipeline to Quality Teaching.rtf
10/21/2009 5:01 PM 54784 NEA PSP - PPP Indicators (Revised).doc
12/10/2007 9:00 AM 60928 NEA PSP - PPP Indicators.doc
5/13/2008 8:51 AM 46592 NEA PSP - Principles of Professional Practice.doc
10/16/2012 7:02 AM 331701 NEA PSP - Teacher Career Continum 2012.pdf
9/23/2014 11:26 AM 257088 NEA PSP Charges 2009-2014.pdf
1/5/2010 2:14 AM 78336 NEA PSP Report 2008-09.doc
6/10/2011 10:15 AM 61952 NEA PSP Report 2010-11.doc
3/16/2012 2:04 PM 475690 NEA PSP Report 2011-12.pdf
5/1/2015 12:18 AM 211456 NEA PSP Report 2014-15.doc
10/9/2016 9:59 AM 16753 NEA PSP Roster 2016-17.docx
4/27/2020 11:14 AM 17544926 NEA Raising Our Voices Report 2020.pdf
5/2/2011 1:01 PM 874486 NEA RC Preliminary Report 2011.pdf
5/13/2008 8:52 AM 903607 NEA Resolutions 2006-2007.pdf
5/13/2008 8:53 AM 1317298 NEA Resolutions 2007-2008.pdf
7/7/2014 11:52 PM 967017 NEA Resolutions 2010-2011.pdf
3/22/2013 4:50 PM 1263066 NEA Resolutions 2011-2012.pdf
5/29/2015 2:58 PM 1150727 NEA Resolutions 2014-2015.pdf
2/9/2016 9:55 AM 1151419 NEA Resolutions 2015-2016.pdf
3/8/2023 2:22 PM 1404988 NEA Resolutions 2022-23.pdf
5/30/2013 11:17 AM 812268 NEA Rosena Willis HCR Award 2012.pdf
6/9/2014 7:27 AM 193780 NEA Timeline Milestones 2014.pdf
2/11/2015 10:47 AM 1360798 NEA Today Hubler Article 2015.pdf
1/15/2014 1:55 PM 154559 NEA UniServ Core Competencies Report 2014.docx
12/6/2014 1:12 PM 447628 NEA UniServ Guidelines.pdf
10/21/2009 5:00 PM 525299 NEA White Paper - Final.pdf
5/30/2013 11:10 AM 14669596 NEA Willis Award to JCTA.FLV
4/28/2015 9:32 AM 120751 NEA-Opportunity-Dashboard.pdf
5/4/2015 3:15 PM 5731171 NJ Parent Testing Survey Flyer.pdf
10/1/2014 8:02 AM 2609366 NJEA Over-Testing Materials.zip
9/13/2009 9:29 PM 616714 NJEA RTTT Comments.pdf
4/9/2021 7:25 PM 109245 Organized Labor Definition.pdf
11/27/2012 9:02 PM 122826 Policy Resource Center_Informational One Pager.docx
11/30/2012 1:36 PM 71207 Policy Resource Center_Points for Info Sessions_NCUEA.docx
6/16/2011 7:08 AM 25088 Policy Statement Amendment.doc
6/13/2011 7:33 AM 186071 Policy Statement FAQs.pdf
5/17/2011 8:17 AM 79476 PolicyStatement-Talking Points_final.pdf
5/13/2008 8:51 AM 665041 Portland, ME Alt. Comp.pdf
8/28/2010 12:33 PM 32256 Professional Educator Creed revised.doc
11/14/2015 5:07 PM 11772 Professional Educator Creed.docx
8/7/2015 10:25 AM 1716636 Restorative Practices Guide.pdf
5/13/2008 8:53 AM 40960 Revised CTA Ed Change.doc
10/6/2017 10:07 AM 854032 Revitalizing Public Ed Through Wisdom of Teachers - Exec Summary -TURN.pdf
10/6/2017 10:08 AM 2197534 Revitalizing Public Ed Through Wisdom of Teachers -TURN.pdf
7/30/2016 1:59 PM 1335113 Settlement, MOU, MOA Definitions MOU 2016-07-26.pdf
6/14/2007 12:04 PM 1504692 Singapore On the Ohio.pdf
2/14/2019 5:54 PM 15286598 State Charter Law Report Card.pdf
5/30/2019 3:10 PM 15477498 State Charter Statutes Report Cards - NEA.pdf
7/2/2014 6:03 PM 1240685 State of the Teachers' Unions.pdf
5/27/2018 9:25 AM 211836 Student-Centered Quality Assessment - NEA.pdf
2/5/2019 5:09 PM 194205 Tax Subsidies Policy Update - NEA.pdf
11/9/2010 2:42 PM 276758 Teacher Evaluation - NEA White Paper.pdf
5/7/2013 1:35 PM 103788 Teacher Pay Hurt by Recession, Report Says - NYTimes.com.pdf
10/16/2012 6:31 AM 45599 Teacher Unions and Educational Reform, One Pager.pdf
10/16/2012 6:31 AM 333930 Teacher Unions and Educational Reform.pdf
5/1/2015 3:11 PM 1547421 Teachers’ Unions Fight Standardized Testing, and Find Diverse Allies - NYTimes.pdf
5/26/2015 10:01 AM 453422 Testing Research Summary.pdf
4/25/2012 1:52 PM 267928 Testing Resolution.pdf
5/28/2010 9:34 PM 70076 TIF Principles.pdf
12/13/2011 9:57 PM 848305 Transforming_Teaching.pdf
12/8/2020 3:55 PM 48905 UD staff regions 12-8-2020.pdf
6/11/2020 10:04 AM 5739471 Voices of Leaders for Just Schools - Su20.pdf
2/5/2019 4:52 PM 32491 Vouchers Do Not Improve Student Achievement.docx
2/5/2019 5:17 PM 537860 WestVa Ed Savings Accounts Analysis.pdf
1/5/2012 6:35 PM 161504 What You Should Know about Value-Added Assessment.pdf